Sunday, March 20, 2011

What is OPSEC?

OPSEC stands for "OPerational SECurity". If you haven't heard, there are people on base that are saying and posting stuff on the internet and Facebook that they SHOULD NOT. How the hell can some people not understand how important this is? It still amazes me how stupid some people can be.  Why the fuck would you say anything!

I'll tell you why. Because people get off by thinking they're the first at anything, especially news and/or gossip/secrets. I don't know why that is, but think about. When someone tells you something gossipy, look at their face and watch how it glows and lights up.

And if your spouse is a nosey, mouthy little bitch (why are you married to them in the first place?), then on top of that why would you tell them ANYTHING? People talk, but spouses talk more. Don't tell them shit because they have nothing better to do with each other then gossip and then post it on their favorite past time, God Damn Facebook. Spouses, get a fucking life and stop being so pathetic. This goes for Enlisted AND Officer spouses. Shut the fuck up!

To the ones that spilled everything:
I hope you fucked up your Military member's career and they divorce your fucking dumb ass. Then what are you going to do? It'll be hard to find someone else to LEECH off of. I hope you don't find anyone and have to live on the streets and then you'll have to use your mouth for something else.

If you guys can't tell, this pisses me off! Shut the fuck up people!

I'm going to keep this one short because it's something that we shouldn't have to talk about anyway.

There are people's lives at stake so.....


Sunday, March 13, 2011

I hate you AAFES.....

Yeah, I said it.....I hate you AAFES. Why? Sigh...oh let me count the ways. I've always hated AAFES, from the very beginning of my career. Why would anyone go to the BX/PX when there's a Walmart right around the corner? And I don't care what base you're at, there is a Walmart right around the corner. The BX/PX charges how much more for the same thing? Yeah, that makes sense. But the crazy thing is, people buy stuff there all the time! And I'm still talking about the States here, not even in an Overseas location where you really have no choice (hang on, I'll get to that in a minute). I have to admit it, I have purchased a couple of things in a BX/PX in the States, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was or why.

The question is, why? Why do we do that to ourselves when a completely sensible and cheaper alternative is out there and it's not even that far away? Can anyone please answer that for me?

The next question is why ARE they so expensive? The only thing I can come up with is in correlation with the above comments. Because WE shop there. Why should they make it cheaper when we buy from there at their prices. That doesn't excuse the fact that they should be helping out the Military members rather than screw them out of more money.

Now come to the Shopette which is AAFES as everyone knows. I went to get some gas the last week when low and behold, they where out of Mid-grade gas! So guess what? I HAD to get the more expensive gas because I had no other choice! It's not my fault they didn't have the Mid-grade gas, but I was the one who had to suffer. It's never the big businesses that suffer because they'll always stick it to the little guy, the consumer, before they'll even think about taking a hit. OK, so I go to get gas again the other day, which shouldn't be a problem because I saw the Mid-grade truck filling the gas pumps the day before, but nooooooo! The fucking Mid-grade pumps weren't working! So guess who got fucked at the pump and had to get the more expensive gas....again! This is getting pretty damn ridiculous! How do we know they're not just trying to offload some more expensive product because they can get away with it? I mean are we really going to go somewhere else to get gas? No! It's even more expensive everywhere else!

Like I said.......I hate you AAFES.

I'll do another post about how I hate the Commissary some other time.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

WTF Spangdahlm

Did you notice how I went back to the acronym? Things might have been overblown a bit and this hopefully will teach everyone (including myself) to verify things BEFORE posting and/or spreading RUMORS. I'm glad I didn't give specifics, because apparently it would have been wrong.

There was talk from many sources that the Mid-grade gas was being REPLACED by the new E-10, so we would only have E-10 and the Super-grade. I have talked with the Shoppette and they've confirmed that they will have three different types: Mid-grade, Super-grade and E-10. I was told that the Mid-grade shipment was late, but everything's good now.

Some of the things that I've been reading about this E-10 stuff says that it's better for the environment, but degrades your MPG. Check the link:

Why would we want to purchase this crap? Yeah, the price might be a little lower, but with the worse MPG you'll be filling up more and then paying more.

Again, sorry for worrying all 30 of you that saw that last post.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Disclaimer: Strong language below

No, I'm not just spelling out the WTF part and saying what's up in the title. I have just found out some very excruciatingly fucked up information that has to do with this fucked up place called Germany and Spangdahlem AB. I had no real problems with this place, just your normal shit that happens all the time everywhere. But now I'm done with this place! Some of you may already know what I'm talking about because it effects EVERYONE! There is absolutely no way that this will not effect you if you are military.

I'm getting some more info put together and I will post again within the next couple of days.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Military Spouses Part II: Enlisted Spouses

OK, the following is a "simulation" of how the majority of Enlisted spouses' days start.

Get up and log on to Facebook and straight to status update:

10:03am - Just got up. Ugh I hate getting up this early, 10:00 comes WAY too soon!
10:15am - Eating Trix cereal. WAY yum!!
10:29am - Getting ready for a shower. I'm really excited for it!
10:56am - That shower was really good.
11:23am - OMG! Just saw the funniest thing on Youtube!
12:20pm - On my way for lunch with my girls! OMG, it's going to be soooo much fun.
2:18pm - Just got done with my lunch with my girls. They are the greatest! I love them all!

I think you can see how this whole thing is going. If they have kids, I've still seen it very similar to this, just add a "my kid did this" comment in there somewhere. But mostly it's them ignoring their kids, or how stupid their kids are. They don't even realize they're making their kids out to be as stupid as they are.

Go get a job, go to school, play with your kid(s), cook a home made meal, clean the house, VOLUNTEER, etc.. There are so many ways to be productive and and not be a leach anymore.

Now, this isn't all enlisted spouses, but the majority that I see and hear about. I understand that they're very young these days (lame excuse, I know), but like I said in another post, we're not in High School anymore!

As for the older enlisted spouses.... I've seen WAY too many doing the same damn thing! Are you fucking kidding me?! That's just ridiculous, you went to high school how many years ago and you're still acting this way? If you're the spouse of a TSgt or higher you SHOULD NOT be hanging out with a SrA and below; spouse or member! But I guess now they're the perceived popular one that they never were in high school, so they're hanging on with everything that they've got.

There's definitely a body type difference between the younger and older spouses as well. Hint for the younger ones: work out so you don't look like the older ones do now. I've never seen so many Tele-tubbies around one place before. Well, maybe that's not true. Americans are just fat anyway, and we are an American base. You go downtown, how many fatties do you see (guy or girl)? Hardly any!

Tip for ALL Americans, guys and girls:


It's that simple!

But make sure you update your Facebook status with WHATEVER YOU DO........ cause we love that.....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

PT test

Here's my take on the "New" PT test. First, it's not new you retards! There are some things that have changed a little, but IT'S EASIER! So you have minimums that you have to get to. So what. You can't make those minimums? Get the fuck out because you are not even trying or just don't give a shit! The only thing that I have any reservations about is the waist measurement. Because there's some big guys out there that I would rather be next to when the shit hits the fan in some God awful country instead of some puny little 100-150lbs boy or girl that got over a 90 because they have tiny waists and can't pull my or someone else's ass out of a burning vehicle or over to some cover. I'll take that so called "fat" guy that can drag me while at the same time shooting at the bad guys. I think we should go with a more combat like PT test like the Marines...and I'm not the only one.

Check out this link:

I read this when it came out and I still think it's a great idea. Please, someone start this on base so we can all try it. We are suppose to be "joint" fighters, right?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Million Dollars my ass!

You really think this is gonna be good?

OK, so we (Spangdahlem) got the Million dollars, now what? This is where we get excited and watch everything turn to complete shit! What I mean by that is that one of two things will happen.

1. We will see nothing happen because everyone will be fighting over what to spend it on. And this is where the "who's dick is bigger" match starts. Every big wig on base, every one who "thinks" that they're a big wig, everyone who has a connection and then everyone who "thinks" they have a connection start throwing out anything and everything just to benefit them and their group, squadron, flight, etc... so they can be perceived as the best. It's all about public perception. If it's this option then we won't be seeing anything happen while we're stationed here (even if you just got here), and that's just sad.

2. We'll see some big stuff happen or a bunch of little stuff happen; either way, whatever it is will be utter shit. It won't benefit the masses, just the minority, which will be the big wigs and such (see 1. above).

At least half of the ideas that I've heard suck so much donkey balls that the girls in Tijuana are jealous!

If you really think that anything good will happen with this and benefit the mass, then please fill me in. But at this point I'm calling total bullshit on the whole thing!

This one really is worthy of WTF Spangdahlem!!

One more thing....I really thought there'd be more comments on the Military spouse thing. Maybe when I start getting into Enlisted and Officer spouses it will get better. You spouses scared yet?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Military Spouses - Part 1: Spouses in general

OK, so here we are. I told you what I was going to write about and I bet you thought I chickened out. You must be thinking, "there's no way this person's going to write about military spouses....there's just no way". Well, you'd be wrong. And why wouldn't I? Is it really this big huge secret that I'd be letting out? Hell no!

The direct correlation between high school and military spouses is uncanny. You've pretty much got every group from high school like the popular ones, the ones that think they're popular (wannabes), the shy ones, the bitches, the sluts and so on.

The sad thing is that this isn't high school any more and age doesn't seem to matter. You can be a 40 year old that "thinks" they're still the popular one. It's really quite pathetic. You have to watch out for all of them because, like high school, they can turn on you in an instant and stab you in the back.....or right in the face even. The worst ones are the shy quiet ones, because for some reason they are attracted to the popular or wannabe popular ones and they'll do anything to get in with them. So they're just sitting back being "friends" with everyone and people start trusting them, but now they know your secrets!  Who do you think they're gonna tell? Yup, your secret is out and it's to the last ones that you ever wanted to know about it.

This is the most unfortunate group....the sluts. In high school, whatever. Now, you're married! A big deployment comes up and for some reason you see all these women at the bars and clubs with tan lines on their left ring fingers. A lot of guys don't care, cause their trying to get pussy and now's a great chance.

I was TDY and a group of us were going out, along comes a car to the right of our van and three women flash us and yell that their husbands just deployed......we were still on base!  Are you kidding me?!


Thank you for reading Military Spouses - Part 1: Spouses in general

Next installment of Military Spouses will be Part 2: Enlisted Spouses.

We all love comments and I think that comments on this subject will be particularly interesting, but watch out with what you say, I don't want to censor anything.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Next BIG Post: Military Spouses

You might be thinking, "Uhhh ohhh", and you'd be right........................... Wait for it,cause it's coming.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh my!

You are not going to believe what the next post is going to be about. It will be in several parts and I think you will like it....well, I'm sure some of you won't. Hehehe ........stay tuned!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Sorry for not posting or even reviewing/posting the comments. Shit happens right. Also, thanks to everyone who's been commenting. I've really enjoyed reading most of them....I told you I'd post them all, as long as there's no sensitive info within. Although one commenter said I need to watch what I post. They must not have seen any parts where I talk about NOT posting that type of stuff. It was in regards to the Million Dollars that Spangdahlem is in the running for. Not sure if anyone else realizes, but you can hear all about that stuff on the radio EVERY day! I didn't say anything that they haven't. And since we're on the subject...that morning DJ....Grrrrrrrr baby!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Spangdahlem Million Dollars

By now you all have heard of the Million Dollars that Spangdahlem AB could get for the best Air Force base. It's between us and Travis AFB. I've seen some of the ideas and some of them are pretty good, but I have some of my own that I'd like to share with you in a moment. Here's just a small portion of the list:

A kid's zone type play place or area - This should be the # one idea, because it would affect so many,

A lap pool - I would love it here, but it would just cost to much.

A portable enclosure for the track - How feasible is this? And how portable would that be? It'd be huge!

A base newspaper - What about the electronic one that's going around? The paper one would be a waste.

Remember, that's just a portion. Someone feel free to post or send the whole list.

Here is one of my ideas: How about a damn car wash that's from this century? Have you tried this one on base? It's horrendous! So you purchase your car wash inside, no biggie. Then you drive up to the car wash door, get out and insert you card, wait for the doors to open, drive in and then......wait for it........get out of the car, go back outside and press start on the fucking panel! Now you're standing OUTSIDE while your car is getting washed. Now please tell me if I'm an idiot and I did it completely wrong. I think I would be OK with that just so I can wash my car the correct way. But if I did it right then this is the stupidest car wash in the history of car washes! At least a do it yourself one would be nice.

This one is kind of an add on to an existing idea. The original is "More running/jogging paths". Great idea, but let's add something. How about "Lights"? I know that seems like a small thing, but this story might put things into perspective: ------One early morning when all the snow on the ground had pretty much up and disappeared, I decided to go for a little run. A 5K to be exact. Now if some of you haven't ran the 5K route on base it takes you from the front of the gym, down to the main circle, back past the CDC and around the end of the flight line then back with sidewalks all the way. Once you get past the CDC and round one more corner and building, things start to get a little eerie. If the moon is out or the sky is just starting to brighten with a small glint of light, then it's not bad, but if there is no moon or there are clouds in the sky and it's way early, then it's like running down a hallway with the lights turned off. Now this sidewalk back there isn't a sidewalk to brag about either, but that might not be bad if you're soon to take a trip to the lovely terrain of Afghanistan. You hit a upturned piece of concrete or small rut and there goes your ankle. You'd think that with all of these imperfections in the sidewalk that there'd be more puddles, but I think I found the sole puddle that drenched my right foot only. How the hell was it just one foot? So I was running, at a snails pace mind you, because you can't see shit! I almost ran into three other runners because none of us saw one another until the last 10 feet, then had to make evasive maneuvers to avoid smashing faces, or whatever. Also, do you realize how many frogs come out in the damp darkness? Well, there's three less now. And do you know what sounds an unsuspecting frog makes when it's getting smashed by a wayward shoe? It's so bone chilling that I'm trying to forget. Luckily, this story only encompasses three nearly fatal crashes, one oddly soaked foot, three innocent lives and some of my sanity. A lighted path could have prevented this entire escapade. This story is absolutely true and I am not making this up......except for the frogs, but I really needed it for more emphasis. It shows you what could happen! We can fix this if we want it bad enough. Let's band together and get this done!

Thank you.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Job performance

Picture this; you just ended a hard day of work feeling somewhat frazzled with the thought of your previous eight to twelve hours. You're trying to put the day behind you, but can't help to think that you did not accomplish a single thing. Not that you didn't do anything. You were't sitting on the computer wasting your's and the Air Force's time with Facebook or watching Youtube videos. No, you were being productive, but damnit, what the hell did you accomplish today!! Anyone have a day like this? 

And since we're on the subject; why did the DOD including all military branches decide to let all of these social networking sites available on government computers? Are you really trying to tell me that this is going to RAISE productivity. Oh come on! Productivity took a nose dive when this happened and don't give me this crap about it  keeping people connected and now important information is easier to get. How many desk jockeys (that didn't really do anything anyway) are now even more mindless zombies laughing at that damn piano playing cat! And the non-desk jockeys that weren't even smart enough to get a computer job are laughing at that same damn cat! At least all these morons have something in common now. Don't worry everyone, it's not like we're in the middle of a war or anything.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


OK, another thing I won't post is duplicate comments. It's not so much for me to just delete them, so keep copying and pasting I guess.

This comment was left earlier about me complaining so much: "If you want to live like you are in america then move back". There was more to it, but this one part really irritated me.

Does anyone else want a crack at this one? It's just too easy! OK, gimme a second....sigh.... Let me ask a question first. How would I accomplish this? Even if I was given the opportunity right now, I would decline. I like it here and have way too much to do and explore. I can bitch about something without going to extremes, right? But back to the comment..... did this person really just say that? The DEROS is like an impermeable fortress. You cannot change this in any way shape or form, minus accidents, deaths,disease, articles, imprisonment, etc.. So there are a couple of things, but King Arthur had an easier time getting the sword out of the stone then you could get back to the states before your DEROS!

Small clarification. I am not just bitching about Spangdahlem AB. I am bitching about a lot of stuff even though whole lot will come from there, but it's not inclusive.

Happy New Year!

I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope that all of your dreams and wishes come true this year!

Now back to reality.....

99 percent (not a real statistic, but it sounds right) of you made a New Years resolution to lose weight and/or get in shape and I'm going to help you with that right now. Listen up, cause these are the greatest fitness tips that you will ever hear. Stop grazing on whatever nasty junk food that you're cramming into your mouth and start moving your ass! That's it and it's that simple; eat less, eat better, move around and exercise more. I guarantee* if you follow these tips that you WILL lose weight and get in shape.

*This guarantee is not valid and you cannot sue me if it doesn't work because YOU did something wrong. Oh, and you don't know who I am and you never will! MMUUUUUAAAHHAAHHAAHH!!! <-----Evil laugh!

Also, thanks to everyone who made comments to my first post. I will post all comments unless it has sensitive or classified material, littered with too much profanity (some is OK), has names or is so specific that people will know who you're talking about. Bash me all you want, I'll still post it.