Wednesday, March 2, 2011

PT test

Here's my take on the "New" PT test. First, it's not new you retards! There are some things that have changed a little, but IT'S EASIER! So you have minimums that you have to get to. So what. You can't make those minimums? Get the fuck out because you are not even trying or just don't give a shit! The only thing that I have any reservations about is the waist measurement. Because there's some big guys out there that I would rather be next to when the shit hits the fan in some God awful country instead of some puny little 100-150lbs boy or girl that got over a 90 because they have tiny waists and can't pull my or someone else's ass out of a burning vehicle or over to some cover. I'll take that so called "fat" guy that can drag me while at the same time shooting at the bad guys. I think we should go with a more combat like PT test like the Marines...and I'm not the only one.

Check out this link:

I read this when it came out and I still think it's a great idea. Please, someone start this on base so we can all try it. We are suppose to be "joint" fighters, right?

1 comment:

  1. But waist measurement ISN'T a requirement with the 'new' PT stuff...
