Saturday, March 5, 2011

Military Spouses Part II: Enlisted Spouses

OK, the following is a "simulation" of how the majority of Enlisted spouses' days start.

Get up and log on to Facebook and straight to status update:

10:03am - Just got up. Ugh I hate getting up this early, 10:00 comes WAY too soon!
10:15am - Eating Trix cereal. WAY yum!!
10:29am - Getting ready for a shower. I'm really excited for it!
10:56am - That shower was really good.
11:23am - OMG! Just saw the funniest thing on Youtube!
12:20pm - On my way for lunch with my girls! OMG, it's going to be soooo much fun.
2:18pm - Just got done with my lunch with my girls. They are the greatest! I love them all!

I think you can see how this whole thing is going. If they have kids, I've still seen it very similar to this, just add a "my kid did this" comment in there somewhere. But mostly it's them ignoring their kids, or how stupid their kids are. They don't even realize they're making their kids out to be as stupid as they are.

Go get a job, go to school, play with your kid(s), cook a home made meal, clean the house, VOLUNTEER, etc.. There are so many ways to be productive and and not be a leach anymore.

Now, this isn't all enlisted spouses, but the majority that I see and hear about. I understand that they're very young these days (lame excuse, I know), but like I said in another post, we're not in High School anymore!

As for the older enlisted spouses.... I've seen WAY too many doing the same damn thing! Are you fucking kidding me?! That's just ridiculous, you went to high school how many years ago and you're still acting this way? If you're the spouse of a TSgt or higher you SHOULD NOT be hanging out with a SrA and below; spouse or member! But I guess now they're the perceived popular one that they never were in high school, so they're hanging on with everything that they've got.

There's definitely a body type difference between the younger and older spouses as well. Hint for the younger ones: work out so you don't look like the older ones do now. I've never seen so many Tele-tubbies around one place before. Well, maybe that's not true. Americans are just fat anyway, and we are an American base. You go downtown, how many fatties do you see (guy or girl)? Hardly any!

Tip for ALL Americans, guys and girls:


It's that simple!

But make sure you update your Facebook status with WHATEVER YOU DO........ cause we love that.....


  1. If you are going to post such "controversial" (eye roll)things, you should at least take the time to check that you are using the proper words, correct spelling and decent grammar.

    leach - verb - Make (a soluble chemical or mineral) drain away from soil, ash, or similar material by the action of percolating liquid, esp. rainwater

    leech - noun - person who extorts profit from or sponges on others

  2. Ouch...but what if I'm one of the retarded, uneducated spouses that don't know no better? Damn those vowels! DAAAAMMNN YOOOUUUU!!!!!!

    But I do appreciate the fact that that's the only thing that you could find wrong with my "controversial" posts.

    I do like it when the only way people can think of to attack someone else is by their grammar. You MUST be an Officer or Officer's spouse, E-7 or above or their spouse. Possibly, (scratch possibly) an insignificant person that has a Bachelor's degree which they think gives them some type of superiority over others that they think are lower than themselves. Was I spot on or what? And if not....who gives a fuck!

  3. funny article!
    I guess people get it, that is not every spouse who is like this!
    I found it funny and wow I am a spouse! But well, I have to get up at 7.00 am every morning!
    Come on it is at least funny to read!
    Waiting for the next one!
    And about the food, it is not the quantity but what food you are eating...well maybe both!

  4. That is funny as fuck because it is completely true. My wife and I sit and laugh at the fat spouses that don't do shit all day but complain about everything. I especially love the hypocrites. How about the wives that post on basically begging you to be their friend. "I'll give you a ride to anywhere you want to go and waste my husband's hard earned money just so I can feel important for a minute." Ahhhh I love stupid people. So pathetic.

  5. Proud to be an enlisted wifeMarch 9, 2011 at 8:25 AM

    HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! A simulation of the MAJORTY of enlisted wives? Please! What you so "cleverly" did up there was take a few things that even fewer wives have done and made a super villain!

    This topic isn't controversial, it is offensive and ignorant. I would love to run you through a day of a real military wife (regardless of her husband's rank) but I know my efforts would fall on deaf ears. I will just walk away with the knowledge that I sacrificed my career to raise my children and support my husband every time we moved. I thank God every day for my friends who have helped me during deployments and TDYs. Heaven forbid we go to public places to eat in groups....I didn't know that was frowned upon. I am also indebted to facebook for allowing me to easily keep up with my family and friends literally around the world.

    You just keep doing what you do. Post your rants about things you obviously have no first hand knowledge of. I will actually take advice from your 'about me' section and just go away. Shame on me for wasting my time replying to this garbage. I could have been eating Trix.....

  6. I would write more, but the above comments got it mostly. It's not just the amount of food, but the quality. Go buy some real non-canned non-packaged food and OMG try out those 4 heating pads you have in the kitchen in combination with a pot or a pan. Also, don't just go buy a half of a cow. Try some greens with meals and maybe some fruits for a snack.

    One more hint: All that gum we all love so much, or that "unsweetened" junk including diet foods and drinks have a cool little low-dose sweetener called Aspartame. Do yourself and your family a favor and look it up some time.


  7. This made me laugh and I'm a spouse! Walking around this base sometimes makes me ashamed to be associated with some of these military wives. I swear all some of these women do is lay on their backs and pop out babies they cant take care of. Then take their 5 kids to the commissary and load up on crap so their kids can be just as fat as they are. Some of you laides need to go to the damn gym! Run a friggin comb through your hair before you go out! Try wearing something else besides your pjs! Pick up after your damn out of control brats! You're a military wife and you represent the military and your husbands! Stop being so fat and gross and embarrassing!
    On another note I love Trix thank you very much!! I also left my entire family, job, school, everything I had going for myself to follow and support my husband. We as military wives are the backbone for our husbands!
