I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope that all of your dreams and wishes come true this year!
Now back to reality.....
99 percent (not a real statistic, but it sounds right) of you made a New Years resolution to lose weight and/or get in shape and I'm going to help you with that right now. Listen up, cause these are the greatest fitness tips that you will ever hear. Stop grazing on whatever nasty junk food that you're cramming into your mouth and start moving your ass! That's it and it's that simple; eat less, eat better, move around and exercise more. I guarantee* if you follow these tips that you WILL lose weight and get in shape.
*This guarantee is not valid and you cannot sue me if it doesn't work because YOU did something wrong. Oh, and you don't know who I am and you never will! MMUUUUUAAAHHAAHHAAHH!!! <-----Evil laugh!
Also, thanks to everyone who made comments to my first post. I will post all comments unless it has sensitive or classified material, littered with too much profanity (some is OK), has names or is so specific that people will know who you're talking about. Bash me all you want, I'll still post it.
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