Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Job performance

Picture this; you just ended a hard day of work feeling somewhat frazzled with the thought of your previous eight to twelve hours. You're trying to put the day behind you, but can't help to think that you did not accomplish a single thing. Not that you didn't do anything. You were't sitting on the computer wasting your's and the Air Force's time with Facebook or watching Youtube videos. No, you were being productive, but damnit, what the hell did you accomplish today!! Anyone have a day like this? 

And since we're on the subject; why did the DOD including all military branches decide to let all of these social networking sites available on government computers? Are you really trying to tell me that this is going to RAISE productivity. Oh come on! Productivity took a nose dive when this happened and don't give me this crap about it  keeping people connected and now important information is easier to get. How many desk jockeys (that didn't really do anything anyway) are now even more mindless zombies laughing at that damn piano playing cat! And the non-desk jockeys that weren't even smart enough to get a computer job are laughing at that same damn cat! At least all these morons have something in common now. Don't worry everyone, it's not like we're in the middle of a war or anything.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be short with this one unless someone agrees...

    I believe the DOD did this for one reason: To find out more about you: Mental state, your plans and how this may affect the AF, and to most of all, to know who you "really are". They wish to catch you and others who are your friends at doing something wrong or potentially wrong. What I'm trying to say is, this is a great way to keep an eye on you. After all, they are watching what you are doing on your computers every day. Behind the vigilant curtain, "lies" their reasoning that it is for morale. My advice: Don't use Youtube and Facebook at work!
